Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Potato Head

Yesterday Olivia let me take a shower, put on makeup, blow dry my hair and get dressed all without fussing or crying. This is huge, and I don't expect it to become a habit (dare to dream), but I was so happy with her that I busted out a new outfit for her to wear to our postpartum appointment that day. I am glad that I did, since her doctor was so happy to see her that she snatched her up and took her around the office to show off to everyone. Yes, I'm glad she wasn't in her usual nightgown attire...

Yes, she is a bigger girl and is affectionately known around here as Miss Potato Head, mostly because of my inability to get to the folds of her neck (what neck?!) to wash them out!

Here are some pics from our snowstorm a couple weeks ago.
Unfortunately we don't have a ton of gear necessary to spend serious time in the snow. Charlotte lasted about 5 minutes. This picture was taken at the beginning of the storm. By the end, that patio was also covered in a thick layer and the grill even had a foot of snow piled on top of it.

Last time it snowed like this, it turned to ice quickly and we got our taillight busted in a slip-and-slide accident on the road. It still hasn't been fixed, but luckily this time we didn't need to be on the roads until the sun came out and they were clear.


lrbodine said...

Chloe has that same outfit - I love it! And babies with lots of rolls are the best. :) Glad she let you get showered and dressed.

Haymonds said...

Hurray for a break!! Her shape is quite reminiscent of our own little miss....;). Here's hoping you guys quickly get into a pleasant routine and that the sleep gods allow you a small portion extra of the same....