At a baby shower this weekend, the subject of cloth diapers came up. I know it's kind of a hot topic, at least here, where I'm constantly inundated with "going green" talk. Later that day I saw this post on
MommyKnows and was pretty impressed with the 21st century high-tech cloth diaper shown. This isn't the square cloth secured with safety pins as in our parents' day! The price is pretty hefty, but I think at some point I'd like to try cloth diapers. Not now - I'd never hazard doing so without my own washing machine, but I think it would be nice not to have to chase diaper sales/coupons and do my small part in NOT contributing to those HUGE piles of trash on the sidewalks on Thursday nights in my neighborhood. So momfriends, what do you think? Would you ever use cloth diapers?
MommyKnows and (a great place to shop and learn about
cloth diapers) are hosting the
bumGenius 3.0 One-Size Cloth Diaper Give Away.Go on over and comment and be entered to Win one of two
bumGenius 3.0 One-Size Cloth Diapers.
Yes I too have "thought" about cloth diapers. Not that I gave them serious consideration this time around, but if we have our own washing machine someday I think I would consider it. Heft price up front, but savings in the long run...especially with multiple children.
BUT--here's a twist...what about cloth (I'm kinda scared to say it) menstrual pads??? I know, I know...let that sink in for a second. I didn't even know they existed until I came across some sites on the web...
We were actually having a similar conversation this weekend - although there was only one girl that had really considered it! Personally - I don't think I could handle the cloth diapers. I like being able to just wrap up the diaper and throw it out! And I don't think I could ever get Rob to change a diaper if we went to cloth.
I did hear about a new brand of diapers though that is cheap - Walmart's Parent Choice brand! All of these moms use them around here and they are around $5 for a jumbo pack. I will test them out my next diaper stock up and let you know.
As I am sure you have read :) I plan to cloth diaper. I am actually really excited about it. It is better for baby, cheaper in the long run (the way I got Matt to agree), better for the environment, and so totally cute. There are so many options out there that I am having trouble making decisions.
They supposedly are pretty easy to take care of and not that messy or yucky. I will let you know once the baby is actually here and we are up to our ears in poopy diapers. I totally understand not going for cloth when you don't have your own washer though, I can't imagine that in the first place.
I'll be honest in that I've seriously considered them. But I'm always on the go and disposable is just so convinient. Is that terrible? How bad are disposable diapers these days anyway? I'm really asking cause I don't know.
I know when we were kids diapers were made of plastic and took years to biodegrate. But these days aren't they just paper? I can't tell you how many times I've had tabs pull off. Besides, it seems as though they are beginnning to biodegrate when my little boy has a lot of pee come out into it. Anyone else having that experience. Maybe it's just the diapers I buy (Luvs and Costco).
My cousin actually runs a website about cloth diapers.
Jake's sister uses them for her kids, but she is greener than Al Gore himself. She actually nits them herself. I will definately use cloth diapers if I ever have a baby home to put in them!
hmmm, I don't know. Having never used either, I don't have a strong opinion. But that said, I don't think I would every go with cloth. I think that my carbon footprint in currently small enough to justify a little trash.
i am so glad you brought this up. it would take very little to push me over to using them. i never gave them much thought until we had friends stay with us and i saw how many!!! diapers 3 children go through in less than a week. . . horrifying. maybe one of these babies i will really commit.
Sorry tree-huggers of the world. There is no way I will ever use cloth diapers after going through these first two weeks with our new little peanut. TOO MANY DIAPERS. I get sick of scrubbing the poop out of the blankets and outfits that our baby squirts all over during the diaper changes, let alone having to get the poop out of every single diaper as well. It's a noble idea and I salute those parents who do it, but as for me - bring on the plastic!
Interesting topic this thoughts for myself are that I would never use cloth diapers. I think disposable diapers are the greatest invention, but I will give props to the people that use them :)
I never thought about cloth until I moved to Austin--one of the "greenest" places in the U.S. There are a couple girls in my ward who use them. One uses the kind you were showing and another made her own. I thought about it after that but with 2 kids my laundry seemed to double from what it was before and I mean twice as many loads as before. I don't think I could handle more laundry OR scraping the poop into the toilet then letting them soak in the washing machine everyday like my friend does. And the last kicker for me was, you can't bleach them, you wash them with vinegar which isn't one of my favorite smells. Oh and the fact my husband said he wouldn't change a diaper if I went to cloth so for now I will keep with the disposables.
oh and by the way.... I WILL NEVER use disposable menstrual pads! I can not handle that, gross!!!:)
ok, i'm kinda late to post, but i have thought about cloth and think it would actually be prety great here in ny without a washing machine, cus i would just get a diaper cleaning service. i haven't checked the prices yet...i'm gonna go look right now!
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