Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Out on the Town

Before the rains started, there was one nice day in there so Charlotte and I ventured out on her first stroller ride. She was nice and toasty in her new mittens, and fell promptly asleep when she heard the sounds of the street.

Another shot of Charlotte pursing her lips as she sleeps, no doubt indignant due to her dad making fun of how high her pants are pulled up.
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Anonymous said...


Glad to see you were able to get outdoors with Charlotte. She looks so cute bundled up in her little hat, suit and mittens. The fresh air probably did you both some good.

I love this website. The comments and pictures keep us updated. We don't feel like we live so far apart.

I'm building quite a picture album of Charlotte and you and Helaman.

Love, Grandma E.

phil said...

why is she so small?

Ellen said...

Sonja's pants also ride up so she looks like a little grandpa. It's the best. Going outside definitely helps the bored afternoon whines. Thank goodness for spring!