Saturday, April 04, 2009

Spring Break Part 2 - The Wedding

The day we flew back from Hawaii to Houston, we drove back to Dallas. The next morning we flew out again, this time to Salt Lake City for Steve and Kalina's wedding. By the way, now that you're married - where's the blog?

Posing for some pictures of our own. If I don't look tan it is because I was VERY good about sunscreen in Hawaii. The thought of having an itchy back on a plane scares me.
Me with 3 of my 5 beautiful sisters.
Family pic
Charlotte and Wade
"I'll show you the cat - but no touching!"
The next day it snowed so we went skiing. It was knee-deep powder which made for some slow going down the slopes but very cushioned falls.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I never knew you had FIVE sisters!! are some sisters-in-laws? and you went to hawaii (again?)? we're waaay behind on you guys! and how was your birthday?? *Mary*