This post is not what you think.....a terrible Vin Diesel movie. Actually, I am speaking of the first summer blockbuster X-Men 3: Last Stand. We recently saw this movie and I must say it is not a bad follow up to the previous two. This movie does raise some interesting questions. If you were a mutant what power would you like to possess? What size of a nerd think tank did it take to create such a movie? Finally, how many comic book collector tears were shed when (beware plot spoiler) Professor X kicked the bucket or should I say disintegrated, without spilling a drop of blood? My mutant power would probably be patience to endure the upcoming Mr. Belvedere marathon. The other two questions have yet to be answered but I am pretty sure I heard a few sobs during the movie.
I am impressed with the actor Hugh Jackman. This guy can go from playing a prancing gay man on Broadway to playing the hard nosed, rip to shreds anyone who prances, Wolverine. This takes some serious acting skill. I believe this would be equivalent Steven Cojocar (Cojo) playing Jack Bauer. I can see him running around LA trying to save old Aaron Pierce from being a fashion victim with his pink man purse in tow. Anyways, for the next big comic book to be made into a movie I nominate Collin Firth as the lead. Who can forget him in the riveting role of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. His power would be bitter invective and proper english, and if that doesn't work he will splash you with is luke warm tea and throw his hard, but enjoyable, biscuit in your face. Does anyone else out there have any good ideas?
That is enough fodder for one night. Take Care. By the way the furry animal is a wolverine.